中野BC 紀州梅酒 紅南高 Nakano BC Kishu Umeshu Beninanko Umeshu
產地 | Japan |
容量 |
720ml |
酒精度 | 20% |
◆"Tenma Tenjin Umeshu Competition" is the largest umeshu competition in Japan started in 2007. At the first competition, "Kishu Umeshu Beninanko" won the Grand Prix over its competitors across the nation.
◆"Beninanko-ume" is a variety of Nanko-ume grown in Wakayama whose green surface is tinged with bright vermilion from sunlight. This tinge is found only on the fruits that receive abundant sunlight on the trees; Beninanko is a very rare and precious type of ume, traded only in high-end markets. Also because Beninanko-ume can only be harvested in years with good weather, they become so valuable in rainy and cloudy years, making its shipment impossible. In comparison with regular green ume, the fruits of Beninanko-ume have a peach-like fragrance. Kishu Umeshu “Beninanko” is made only with Beninanko-ume; a generous amount of fruits (1.5 times more ume fruits based on our calculation) are steeped to produce this umeshu.
How to drink we recommend
●On the rocks
●With soda.
◆“天滿天神梅酒大會”是指在日本全國各地製作珍藏的梅酒齊聚 一堂來競爭梅酒之最的活動,是日本最大的梅酒鑒賞大會。紀州梅酒“紅南高”斬獲首屆金獎榮耀登場。
◆在和歌山縣南部町採摘的“紅南高梅”充分發揮出 地利優勢,清晨採摘當天入貨釀製,最大限度地保持梅子的鮮度。另外、為進一步增強梅子的口感和鮮明的即視感,弊社職員一顆一顆精心挑選高品質的梅子。與通常的梅酒相比此款梅酒所使用的梅子(紅南高梅)量高達1.5倍。從果實的收穫到取酒全過程由杜氏進行指揮,猶如桃子般大小的“紅南高梅”朝摘夕釀,通過新鮮的果香牽引出濃厚的酸味和甘香。盡情地體驗梅酒入口后瞬間蔓延開來的極品芳香。